Developing distributed WoT Applications for the Cloud-to-thing continuum

Cloud continuum

The great popularity and acceptance of smart devices have encouraged the development of applications focused on the Internet of Things (IoT) and Web of Things (WoT) paradigms. These applications are normally based on cloud-centric architectures. However, the increasing amount of information exchanged pose a challenge to these architectural assumptions. Recently, paradigms such as Fog, Mist, and Edge computing have been proposed along the Cloud-to-thing continuum to exploit the computational and storage capabilities of end-devices improving the Quality of Service (QoS). Currently, there is a lack of standards and tools to facilitate the development of these highly distributed applications.

In this tutorial, we will explain a framework that helps and facilitates the development of distributed WoT applications to be deployed along the Cloud-to-thing continuum.

At the end of the tutorial, attendees will get knowledge on: Distributed computing paradigms that can be applied to develop WoT applications. How to generate an initial version of a distributed WoT application based on the OpenAPI standard. A deeper knowledge of our Framework for developing and deploying WoT applications along the Cloud-to-thing continuum.



Tutorial material
